The Breath of Light
Experince The Breath of Light Workshop at Go Dhyan Garden.
When ? 20th April 2019
Make reservation
Through the ages the art of inducing of altered states of consciousness (ASC) for the purpose of healing has been part of the common knowledge of mankind. In all parts of the world suitable techniques have been developed permitting to find access to the resources that the mind usually hides beyond the threshold of the subconscious.
Have you tryed the most powerful technique for inducing altered states of consciousness and shaman journeys?
In some tribal societies a specialist, usually the shaman, undertakes a journey into “non-ordinary- reality” on behalf of others who are sick or for some other reason enlist his help. While he is in an altered state he seeks advice from the spirit world and tries to find a remedy for the situation at hand. When someone was ill in Baluchistan, traditional families would not fetch a doctor, but get the shaman, who would come with a handful of musicians to play the “simorgh” to the sick, a somewhat frenzied cascade of rhythms, until the latter would react in some way showing that he was now in an altered state. Then negotiations would begin with the spirit who was causing the disease.
Breath as the most potent legal substitute to mind-altering substances In other societies the techniques involved were (and in some tribes still are) used by all, usually in large ceremonial rituals. These rituals usually involve some form of dancing, music making, chanting, drumming or some other medium suitable for trance-inducement which is then often pushed to such an extreme that everyone experiences one form or another of ASC. The drinking of “sacred potions”, i. e. the ingestion of was also widespread as a means to get into contact with the spirit world and find help and healing that was not accessible otherwise. Some societies are still using mind-altering substances. For instance, Native American Church uses Peyote and Santo Daime Church from Brazil is using Ayahuasca as a sacrament. The (deplorably) civilized part of the world has forgotten the sacramental dimension of ASC: drugs pave the way to hell rather than being the traditional doorways to the divine which they could be if used with the right attitude and the corresponding know-how.
Throughout my many years of research I have always tried to find ways to induce salutary forms of ASC that do not require the taking of drugs, but produce an equivalent state inner clarity all the same. Over the years I have discovered very effective breathwork techniques. Among the most powerful is the Breath of Light. The Breath of Light involves no ingestion of mind-altering substances other than air. What makes it clearly different from other known breathing techniques used to a similar end is that it cannot be practiced alone. The Breath of Light necessitates the formation of a circle of like-minded people who approach the experience in a sacramental spirit, native Americans would say “in a holy way”. Under such circumstances the Breath of Light will be a powerful cleansing and healing experience for everyone taking part in the circle.
CIRCLE - sharing one of the oldest rituals of mankind
With the spread of Individualism in the civilized world traditional forms of shared communal activities have gone out of fashion. Individuals all over the western hemisphere feel increasingly lost in a society that upholds values like career and individual success while tribal, communal and family structures are on the decline. The I is no longer embedded in a larger WE as it used to be. Rather than thinking of each other as brothers and sisters we are learning to mistrust and be on our guard at all times: the Other has graduated to a potential enemy.
Today medical, psychological and spiritual guidance and help is offered in abundance - and at high prices - for individuals. It is of little help, however, as far as the ailing WE is concerned if we restrict ourselves to looking for our individual salvation and healing. The I needs the WE as a safe place to unfold and as a challenge for learning. If the WE is deficient all cures for
the I will fall short of finding durable solutions. We have to look for new forms of shared activity that are salutary to both. The Breath of Light is such a shared activity. It includes the individual in a very special experience of a larger WE, an experience that involves the shared transcendence of the everyday world. The form of the WE in this experience is one of the oldest rituals of mankind:
the circle. I will not go into the deeper philosophy of the circle here, but just think that the very first human tribes used this form - to sit around a fire or a piece of meat the hunters brought home. To this day the circle has lost nothing of its ritual power. It is we who have lost the ways of using it. And with the circle we have lost a tremendous source of life energy - which again shows in our ailing “modern” lives.
The Breath of Light reinstates the ritual circle as a means of embedding the I in the WE while at the same time loading up both to the brim with vital energy. In fact the procedure is quite simple. Simple rhythmic breathing generates energy. This energy however is not stored within the I, but circulated and accelerated counterclockwise around the circle and thus shared by everyone. In this way the circle acts as a powerful
generator of vital energy: the energy- level generated by and available within the circle exceeds by far the sum of the individual contributions to it. The intake of breath is the intake of life essence. Without breath there is only death. Increased and accelerated intake of more breath considerably increases the
energies generated by normal breathing. Realms of experience become accessible that are not accessible under normal
breathing conditions. Thus Altered States of Consciousness and extremely high levels of available energy are natural consequences of increased breath intake
Healing energy flow
One of the observable effects of this circular energy flow is that the usual
symptoms of breathwork (cramps of the hands and around the mouth) hardly ever occur - and if they do they subside very quickly. The energy is there, available and circulating, but does not choke the individual system by overloading it excessively. (In individual breathing sessions these cramps are an expected phenomenon, which passes as the system gets accustomed to higher oxygen/energy levels.) One of the insights usually triggered by individual breathing sessions is an increasing awareness of the low level of energy we use in daily life. The sessions gradually increase the tolerance for higher levels of energy and make them available for everyday use. A Breath of Light session is a different kind of approach. Here we generate the energy not for ourselves but for the whole circle. Instead of increasing the individual level of energy a surplus of energy is generated and circulated freely around the circle. Not the “having” is important here, but the flow. Being part of such a circle is an unforgettable experience. Words cannot describe it adequately.
As more and more energy flows through the participants the qualities described as warm, tingling, humming or buzzing may increase in frequency and change into inner sensations of light. This light will be quite dim at first - and thus not easily noticeable, especially to beginners. They usually become aware of it when it takes on a distinctively blue color. This indicates a very powerful flow. By then the buzzing will have changed into a sensation, which can best be compared to an electrical current of very high frequency flowing through the body. This bluish light will get brighter as the flow gets stronger, it may take on a golden color and eventually turn into a brilliant white, silently flooding the participants from head to toes. (Hence the name “Breath of Light”.)
White light
The experience of this White Light is the climax of the breathing circle. The flow of white light can be directed to parts of the body that are known to carry a disease. Usually these parts feel darker than the healthy parts. Directing the flow of light to them, flooding them with brilliance, is a real healing experience. Parts that have been the cause for worry and pain for years may begin to glow and fill with vibrant life energy. The effect will last for a long time after the end of the circle - and often the disease will get better or disappear altogether.
What applies to the body is equally valid for the mind. There are dark parts in the biography of everyone: direct the light there. There are relationships that need healing: loved ones, hated ones, feared ones, mates and neighbors, at home or at work...: Flood them with the white light. Animals, plants, houses and places, cities and countries that feel dark can be lit up with the flow of light. In one case we let the light rise high above the circle like a white hurricane, right into the stratosphere. Then we let it open up like a chalice and come down all around forming an envelope of light around the whole planet. From the center below we let it rise again as a brilliant column - back to our circle. The twelve of us were the eye of a blinding hurricane of light enveloping the whole world.
The Breath of Light was originally developed by George Pennington. Lenzwald is a seminar- and training-center in Bavaria/Germany run by the George Pennington
Please contact us if you would like to participate at this workshop. GDG expect that participants will donate € 20 for participation at this event, but this could be adjusted according to personal circumsances.
Workshop will be giuided by Krishnananda. He is the instructor of breathwork trained and qualified by the Institute of Holistic Rebirthing from London. Over the many years he is facilitating 1-to-1 rebirthing sessions, group rebirthing sessions and circles of The Breath of Light. He is also trainer to aspiring rebirthing and The Breath of Light Facilitators.
If you are looking for nearest Breath of Light event or you would like to be the host/sponsor of the workshop in your town, you can contact him at e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..